“Obviously, it is a commitment. I’ll probably be cleaning out my ears for a month!”
Those were Danielle Smith’s words after getting more than a pound of EKO glitter dumped on her head (for art’s sake, of course).
Through the month of May, artist and photographer Josh Hailey is booking glitter pour photoshoots for his Bowie series. It’s adventure and art all wrapped into one unbelievable experience.
To BOOK A BOWIE SHOOT email info@joshhaileystudio.com.

In the series first iteration in 2016, Josh experimented shooting over 100 models covered in “space dust” (aka glitter) inspired by three different David Bowie songs.
“The Bowie series came out of a year of great loss. Bowie passed early in January and my partner’s father passed a week later. Art is not only a daily need but also therapy. After that, I wanted to put as much color into the world as possible,” Josh explained.
Josh’s use of color definitely stands out in his work. He is known for using upcycled and reimagined materials to create joyful pieces for clients like the Marriott, Hilton, and Whole Foods.
Photo courtesy of Josh Hailey Studios
Spreading joy is something Josh strives for with all of his creations. On his website, you’ll see the following credo:
“I do try to find joy in everything I do, and the process of making art and playing and discovery is my favorite part. I hope that everyone finds joy in the things they make,” Josh said.
And glitter helps play a part in Josh’s joyful creative process.
“I think glitter definitely spreads joy and beauty into the world. It is a magic space dust,” Josh said.
Elektra Cosmetics + Josh Hailey Collaboration
Since glitter is Elektra Cosmetic’s specialty, owner Danielle Smith jumped at the chance to collaborate with Josh Hailey Studios.
“Our mission is to inspire community to be unapologetically creative,” Danielle explained. “So, we considered donating a small amount of EKO glitter to keep the project eco friendly. But after seeing Josh’s photos, we just decided to go all in and provide the glitter for this project.”

Photo courtesy of Josh Hailey Studios, Model @goddesy
Danielle noted that the collaboration was fitting, as both Josh and David Bowie himself embody the spirit of Elektra and the ideals the company hopes to impart.
“I think David Bowie truly lived his life in an unapologetically creative way. When he wanted to put on a silver outfit, or wear a skirt, or wear makeup, he just did it. He is definitely an inspiration on how to live your authentic life,” Danielle said.

Danielle and her David Bowie inspired look- before the big pour!
Take one look at Josh’s social media and you can’t help but notice that he also seems to live life to the fullest, seizing every opportunity for art and adventure.
“Josh is another artist who is a doer. He just seems like one of those people that’s out there making it happen”, Danielle said.
“Coming out of some of the darkest times that many have experienced in our lifetimes, during 2020 and 2021, Josh seems resilient. He’s continuing to create amazing things and is willing to put in the work,” Danielle said.
“We love working and collaborating with artists. Not just makeup artists and body painters, but photographers and more…we are really all about community.”

Josh modeling for Elektra’s Creative Capsule project. Makeup by La Adorna.
As of May 2021, Josh Hailey Studio’s Bowie series photoshoots have exclusively used Elektra Cosmetics’ EKO Glitter.
The line debuted in 2018 and has 10 different colors to choose from. The EKO line includes Polylactide, which comes from corn, and Cellulose, which is made from paper and comes from trees.

An Eco Friendly Artistic Shoot Made Possible with Eko Glitter
“The EKO line is great for those situations when you can’t consciously remove your glitter and dispose of it into solid waste. Or, in instances where you are using a large quantity of glitter. Traditional glitter is great for small applications. For me personally though, I would only have done this shoot with eco-friendly glitter,” Danielle said.
Josh too felt strongly that for his project, one that requires a massive amount of glitter, the introduction of a plant-based product was vital for its longevity.

“The EKO and biodegradable option is key to the continuation of our Bowie series. Sustainable and earth friendly is the only way to be! I think that is something Bowie would dig too,” Josh added.
In addition to the environmental benefits, the EKO glitter also brought a different energy to the photos thanks to its natural texture.

“The EKO glitter is lighter than traditional glitter and can really bounce off of you,” Danielle said. “They had never worked with an eco glitter before and it created more billowiness and flowiness…like it was floating,” she commented.
Josh was pleasantly surprised as well with how the natural glitter performed in the shoots.
“The EKO glitter yet again blew my mind when bringing it into the studio. I can only say it is even more magical than we anticipated,” Josh exclaimed. “Plus, the color array matches and surpasses traditional glitter. EKO is everything!”

An Outpour of Glitter and Emotions
Though glitter is her business, Danielle still went through a range of emotions during her shoot, preparing for the “big pour.”
“It’s exciting! But you’re also a little stressed like: ‘How do I hold my body so I don’t look awkward while I’m having all this glitter dumped on me?’ Danielle recalled. “You kinda hold your breath…but you want to relax your face!”

As the owner of a glitter company, in the unofficial glitter capital of the world, Danielle has seen a lot of glitter in her days! Still, she confirmed that her Bowie inspired photoshoot was the most glitter she has ever worn.
“At the end of the day I blew my nose…and glitter came out,” Danielle admitted with a laugh.

Overall, Danielle has no regrets and encourages others to schedule a shoot to see for themselves.
“We’ve worked with Josh in the past, and this was another amazing experience. He’s a great photographer to work with and is shooting to people’s comfort level. I highly recommend booking with him,” Danielle said.
To BOOK A BOWIE SHOOT DM @joshhailey

When asked if Josh remembered any models who had particularly memorable reactions to glitter being dumped on them, he laughed:
“The first time is always the best time. It is an experience like no other and it shows. You will see it in the photographs when you come to experience it yourself.”

To book your own glitter pour shoot for the Bowie series, contact Josh Hailey Studio or click here.
You can see more pics online on Instagram @joshhailey or at #Bowieglitterseries
To learn more about our EKO Glitter line click here.