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A Limited Offer: Boost Your Creativity with Creative Capsule

You might have seen our posts on social media and wondered: What on earth is a Creative Capsule?

It’s a creativity boost, color therapy, and a community all wrapped into one.

It started in April as a passion project. A care package we could put together. A little something we could do to keep ourselves busy and hopefully bring a smile to some of our friend’s faces during a difficult and uncertain time.

It was also a way we could continue to collaborate with artists and performers and do photoshoots from a safe distance. (We miss playing dress up with friends and getting glittery in the Rainbow Room at our HQ!)

Those who received the glitter beauty bundle were sole creators of their own photoshoot. They were makeup artists, creative directors, photographers, and models in order to execute their vision. 

As you might have seen on our Instagram, the results have been astounding! The talent and creativity in this city (and beyond) is overwhelming

We have heard feedback from some of our friends that turned out amazing looks with the beauty bundle. They said it provided them with inspiration and an artistic outlet during a difficult time.

The Creative Capsule has also brought joy and given a purpose to those of us essential workers holding down the fort at Elektra. It has also allowed us to do a soft launch of our previously unreleased Power Pigments.

We had fabulous plans to release our pigments at the Makeup Show in Houston in March and then on to Ru Paul’s Drag Con in May!

Clearly, 2020 had other plans. 

As a small business that survives on selling at large events, we, like so many others, have been struggling these last few months.

We want to make it through this time and come out on the other side so we can continue to partner with talented folks and grow our creative community together

We are hoping that offering the Creative Capsule to the public might be a way for us to cover some of our overhead but also a way that creative people can challenge themselves while at home.

We are currently offering our Creative Capsule beauty bundle at an introductory rate of $49.95. Oh, did we mention? This glitter beauty bundle is a total bargain! You get $75 worth of product for just $49.945. Who doesn’t love a bundle, baby!?

Limited Offer

Partner With Us. Get Featured on our Social Media.

Get $75 worth of products for just $49.945

Pick whichever color(s) inspire you the most. Or, pick a color you haven’t worked with before.

Once you receive your Creative Capsule you’ll find instructions for your shoot in your package.

Buy Now!

Scroll down to see our 10 different color-curated Creative Capsules. Pick whichever color(s) inspire you the most. Or, pick a color you haven’t worked with before. This glitter beauty bundle is a perfect excuse to challenge yourself to try something new.

If you want to help us grow our creative community then we would love to collaborate with you on your own Creative Capsule photoshoot for a chance to be featured on our social media!

Once you receive your Creative Capsule you’ll find instructions for your shoot in your package.

If you prefer to create your look for your own therapeutic (or fabulous) purposes then we understand that too.

Thanks for being a part of our creative community!

You may also checkout our individual Power Pigments


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