The Bolt Balm Basics

You are ready to wear Bolt Balm! But WHERE to wear it? HOW to wear it? And of course, how to APPLY it?

Next in the Bolt Balm video series, Katie answers all your questions and shares a simple application tip that’ll make your glitter last all day (and night!)

Learn why thinner is always better (when it comes to Bolt Balm). And how to “listen” to your hair part to decide where to apply glitter.

SPOILER ALERT: We are PRO side part!

Don’t forget! Check the pop-ups in the video for quick tips that will save you hours of time.

Scroll down to “get the look” and see what products Katie is wearing in this video!

Hey, hey! So we are ready to wear Bolt Balm now. You might have seen our Instagram before and thought, “Wow! Bolt Balm looks amazing on models and drag queens.” But guess what, the majority of people who wear Bolt Balm are just like you.

They wear it to tailgate. They wear it to happy hour. They wear it to zoom meetings. They wear it to festivals. They wear it to concerts. They wear it anywhere they want to have a bold look to bring a little bit of shine and a little bit of fun.

Wearing glitter doesn’t just make you happy, it makes the people around you happy. So let’s get to it now.

Everyone finds their own little way to put on Bolt Balm. Some people like to use the back of their hand as a palette. Some people like to go straight onto the face and that’s how I like to do it.

I like to tell people if you’re trying to decide how to wear a Bolt Balm, look at your face, look at where your hairline is and let that decide what part really needs to shine. So I like to look and see my hair tends to slide over this side of my eye, so I like to do an asymmetrical look.

You can either do Bolt Balm on both sides for a symmetrical feel or just on one side to make that side really pop. I tend to go with this side of my face. I like to take just a little bit of product and start spreading it on and if I don’t have enough, I can always come back for a little more. It’s a lot easier than putting too much on and having it slip around your face.

So I’m going to come in here and just kind of go with my cheekbone and see what looks good. Now I’m going to lay it as flat to the skin as possible. See I came here kind of doing a horizontal stripe but now I’m coming back in and doing it vertically to lay it as flat to the skin as possible.

Now if I wanted to make a more specific shape, I would come in here with the side of my applicator and kind of scoop it back in to place. But I’m just going to go kind of organic and just keep laying this as flat to the skin as possible and just spreading it out.

If you want your Bolt Balm look to be very thick and look amazing from every angle and be very opaque, so this might have too many holes in it for you, that’s fine. But I suggest not starting off with a ton of product because, like I said, the thinner the layer, the easier it will be to manipulate. So I like to do one thin layer like I’ve done right here. One thin layer and then I’ll go ahead and add some more.

I just give it a little bit of dry time. So I think about 30 seconds has gone by and I can go ahead and add in some more of my Bolt Balm.

Katie Bolt Balm Basics

So there’s a couple of different ways you can do this. I like to just look and find the holes and just kind of take it on the very tip of the applicator and almost lay this individually into where the holes are. Again, this is going to be easier if your first layer is already dry.

Another option, if you have two different Bolt Balms is to layer those in and do an Ombre effect that will work great here. If you’re using one color, I would suggest to come in just like I’m doing and just try to fill in the holes depending on how big the hole is. I can rake the little applicator across my skin and just try to flatten it all out or, like I said, if you have a very specific spot you want to get into, just take the tip of the applicator and lay it down and try to smooth it out so it’s able to hang out with all its little friends.

Alright, so I’m going to look and this is when I like to take a minute sit back and see how my entire look goes together.

So I’m going to do that now and I feel like I could rock a little bit more of a larger shape, a bolder application right now. So I’m just going to take these points out a little bit further. So this is kind of now my third layer that I’m adding. I’m just going to come in at the top and now I’m kind of just going to turn my what was a highlight into almost a crescent.

Crescent is kind of a vague term that we use to go around the eye but sometimes some people do them very sharp points but today I’m just gonna go again a little organic because I’m an asymmetrical kind of lady.

Alright and that’s pretty much it. So this crescent is just one of the ways that you can wear Bolt Balm on the face. If you need a little more inspiration, check out our Inspiration Sheet or some of our other additional tutorials and educational videos.


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