Caroline Rosa: Staying Balanced and Busy after the “End of the World.”

Caroline is wearing Elektra’s Plum and Iris Power Pigments, Lilac Microfine, Fleur de Lavender and Opal Unicorn Bolt Balms and pressed temporary tattoos from Lush Magnolia.

After working as an Event Manager for 15 years, Caroline Rosa had to deal with the career-altering Covid restrictions that brought the New Orleans (and United States) event industry to a screeching halt in March of 2020.

“It felt like the end of the world. I know that sounds dramatic but I was terrified that I would be laid off and unable to pay my bills. That’s been the reality for so many and it just felt heavy. I lived in fear for a LONG time. Then, when I was laid off, it felt like such a weight was lifted off my shoulders. It forced me to pivot and I’m so happy that I did.”

Once Caroline’s greatest fear came to fruition, she was free to follow her passions and start her own business. Caroline Rosa Marketing was created as a way to mesh her varied professional skills and support other small businesses during a difficult time.

“I thought it would be a slow build starting a small business, especially one that helps small businesses in the middle of a pandemic when they are suffering. I thought I could stay home with my kid while I worked on a few clients. It’s been very surprising how quickly it’s grown.”

Almost immediately after going it alone, Caroline realized how invaluable her services and approach were at this time.

“People NEED the infusion of creativity and the help. They need someone to listen to them and hear their concerns. They need someone to get them in front of more people so they can plan for their future business!”

While helping other business owners prepare for what’s yet to come, she noticed what was happening in the present; her part-time work was growing into a full-fledged business of its own.

“I pushed back a few times thinking it was too fast. I’ve already hired someone, a Pinterest expert, and am considering a second hire soon!”

Even though Caroline’s quickly-expanding business takes precedence in her schedule, she knows the importance of carving out time for her personal creative projects.

“I attempt to balance my evenings after my son goes to sleep with: work, creative time, sleep, and spending time with my husband. I seem to find that alternating them night by night is somewhat helpful!”

“The thing about creativity that I’m finding during this time is that when I feel the pull I try not to ignore it. If that means that some nights I’m up until 1am painting or glittering or doing a headpiece then I go with it. And I just know, the next night I’ll head to bed earlier to make up for it. It’s my special brand of balance.”

Caroline realizes that fulfilling her creative needs is an integral part of keeping balance in her work and personal life. Costuming and crafting are definitely her preferred avenues of creativity but loves to explore a variety of mediums.

“I made it a New Year’s resolution to make something every day. The thing I keep reminding myself is that my brain works better when I create. My heart is happier so I’m a nicer person which helps bring joy to me and to others. It’s WORTH the time.”

Another creative project that brought Caroline (and others!) joy during the pandemic was the Creative Capsule powered by Elektra Cosmetics. Launched in April 2020, the Creative Capsule was a way to continue to collaborate with artists and performers and do photoshoots from a safe distance. Each contributor was given a care package and curated kit to help inspire them to create.

Caroline is using Elektra’s Power Pigments Plum, Iris, Passion Flower, and Paranormal with the Fleur du Lavender Bolt Balm. See below for the product links.

“The kit pushed me and I loved it. I would go back and do multiple looks from the same color combos just to stretch my mind. Plus, there’s a feeling of accountability to share a look when you have something like the Creative Capsule sitting on your vanity. It’s so pretty all on its own that it begs for a photoshoot.”

Though Caroline never seems to want for inspiration, she appreciated the curated and somewhat structured nature of the Creative Capsule project.

Caroline is using Elektra’s Power Pigments Blue Bayou, Bywater Blue, Lapis, and Royal. See below for the product links.

“I find it easier to be creative when I have a prompt, even if I push away from the theme. It’s just something to spark the brain and remind it to think outside the box.”

Caroline found herself creating several looks with the kit and used the Creative Capsule as an excuse to experiment with new makeup styles.

Caroline is using Elektra’s Power Pigments La Fee Verte, Desire, and City Park with the Absinthe Bolt Balm. See below for the product links.

“I’m a bit of a costume snob for myself, and personally never like to repeat a look. This is SO attainable when your medium is makeup and your face. I love that the tools in the Creative Capsule, from application items to the makeup itself, aren’t too expensive so I never feel like I’m ‘wasting’ anything by playing around.”

While scheduling time to experiment and create is certainly a priority to Caroline, she admits working from home does sometimes get in the way of personal projects.

“It’s more difficult to be creative while spending more time at home especially with a new business. Feeling like every spare minute must be spent working is tough. I have to push back on that for my mental health!”

During Covid times, Caroline has realized the impact certain habits have had on her well-being, especially when it comes to her appearance and self-image.

“I generally fill my brows and wear mascara when I know I’ll see other humans. If the occasion calls for glitter or a costume in ANY way, I’ll take advantage. My son’s daycare had a socially distant mini parade where the kids parade around the parking lot and throw beads to their parents. I brought out my Fringe & Co. jacket, and huge Mardi Gras earrings. In my mind, totally essential.”

If there was ever someone who was a Mardi Gras and costuming overachiever, it would be Caroline. Currently, she is a member of: The Sirens, the dancing Mermaid krewe, Dames De Perlage, the beaded bodice krewe whose corsets are true works of art, and The Merry Antoinette’s, the krewe that celebrates Marie Antoinette’s fashion.

Despite parades being cancelled, Caroline’s krewes have kept her busy throughout this unconventional Carnival season. Plus, she found another group project that really hit close to home.

“We decorated the house for Krewe of House Floats. It was certainly a push to be creative that I needed and am thankful for. It became a family project and a way to spread funds around the city. I purchased items from many different local artists and mixed and matched. My husband, son, and our extended family all helped bring it together.”

This isn’t the first time Caroline has gotten the family involved with her creative projects. Clearly, the apple doesn’t fall from the tree.

“My mom has come to visit a couple of times and she helps many of the Merry Antoinettes make their costumes. Just having her sewing at my dining room table has been good for my heart.”

Even though Caroline has adapted to staying creative while staying home, she admittedly laments for the loss of the packed social season that leads up to Mardi Gras day.

“I do miss the events I used to attend that required costumes. I feel that is my heart’s true passion, and makeup is such a huge part of that.”

If you want something to spark your creativity too, click here to purchase a Creative Capsule and start your own inspirational journey.

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